Saturday, October 07, 2006

Wolverine Country

As I last left you, I was kicked back with Biscuit and Bailey's. And I thought that this was going to be my life. Oh, I was so wrong... At some point, I was wrapped up and shipped off again. Biscuit must have slipped something into my Bailey's, because the next few weeks are a blank to me. I know that I was mailed to another place, but I have no idea what unspeakable horrors happened to me there. There were no parties. No pictures. No record of that time. But a funny thing happened. I took that time to realize that I was enjoying this particular life, as sordid and weird as it may be! It was during this "dark time" that I realized that this was the new me. Sure, I might not see the big guy ever again, but that didn't bother me. I was living life on the edge, and full of adventure!

When I was aware of my next surroundings, I found myself in Michigan, of all places! Detroit, to be precise. Motown! Well, my newfound attitude decided that this was something that I could handle. I was apparently under the care of the very fun Roxi! She introduced me to one of her friends at home. I thought that this was going to be a nice new phase in my life. She apparently didn't agree, and I noticed that she didn't quite understand the concept of the shirt, as I found myself somewhere I'd never been!

Then she took me to Ann Arbor to meet up with her honey, Dan, and some other Michigan bloggers. There we met Barman, SignGurl, Jon, Croaker, Cutie, and BTExpress.

The stories and the drinks flowed freely, and as the night went on, we ended up in SignGurl's room. There we all partook (partaked?) in over 250 Jello shots. You can imagine how things went after that! Lots of laughs, lots of silliness, lots of pictures. The shots must have done something to me, because I found myself sharing half-nekkidness with BTE. And his nipple. I may be scarred for life.

Fortunately, I was left in the care of one of the ladies for the night, whom I also got to spend some half-nekkidity with. Much better than BTE!

All in all, it wasn't too bad in Michigan. Actually, it was alot of fun. For the parts that I remember. Roxi took me back to Detroit, but didn't let go of me for awhile. Once again, I was lulled into thinking that this is where I'd spend my final days. But no, little did I know what was awaiting me down the road...


betchacantguesswho said...

How much fun can one shirt have!!?? =)

Anonymous said...

Plenty - trust me ;)

Robin Alexa said...

Too funny.

I hope Osshirt visits me one day, and tells me all about his travels.

Osshirt is a boy right?

Roxi said...


Oschirt is a boy.. I checked his gender before shipping him off..

hehehe.. that was a lovely post..

lovely shirt.. I miss it..

BTExpress said...

Come on Os shirt! I only pulled down my shirt because you asked me. So you loved it and you know it. I do have to admit that getting close to the boobies that night is way better though.

Anonymous said...


Jen said...

So cute! The OsShirt needs to come visit me! :)

Anonymous said...
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Sir Dirty Joke said...

wow! cool site! Cool idea!