Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Camping Out

As I was sent away, I definitely felt a bit of a chill in the air. I certainly wasn't in the blazing heat of Texas anymore! There was something familiar in the air. It felt like home, but not quite. As soon as my package was opened up, it was again apparent that the big guy didn't have me, but a couple of his friends did. Rachel and Moose were now my keepers. This could only mean one of two things. I was one step closer to home, or I was going to be invoved in a nasty intervention. Only time would tell. My dream mentioned in the prior post was more of an omen than nightmare. I was here with Moose again, but I was all in one piece! Whew!

We didn't go to see the big guy. Instead we went camping up at Hidden Lake in beautiful Glacier Park. Beautiful sunny days, without the heat of Texas. Cool crisp nights, clear waters, wildlife, campfires, more stars than you can count.

It was a nice couple of days, which was desperately needed. Little did I realize what had happened with the big guy in my absense. It wasn't pretty...

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